Casino games with the highest chances of winning real money(2023)

  • If you’re looking to play casino games with the best odds, poker might be your best bet.
  • Craps and baccarat also offer some of the highest win percentages.
  • Avoid games like slot machines and keno if winning big money is your primary goal.

We’ve all been there. Drawn in by the promise of easy wins and piles of cash. Only to end up $50 down and a bag of salt and vinegar pretzels short. Sure, gambling can be fun. But we need to remember that it’s not the print-your-own-money machine many believe it to be. Some casino games are better than others when it comes to real money returns. Trust me; I learned the hard way. So, to save you from making the same mistakes, here are some of the casino games with the best chance of winning real money.


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Poker has long been considered a game of skill and luck, and it’s easy to see why. Unlike other casino games, where the outcome depends entirely on chance, poker allows players to make decisions that can affect the outcome.

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Of course, even in poker, there’s an element of luck involved. The cards you’re dealt are random, after all. But it’s this combination of skill and luck that makes poker such an appealing game for so many people.

And the numbers seem to back this up.

A study published in the Journal of Gambling Behavior found that skilled poker players could expect to win money in the long run. In fact, the study found that the house edge (the advantage the casino has over the player) in poker is actually negative, meaning that under certain conditions, the player has the advantage.

Now, this doesn’t mean that everyone who plays poker is guaranteed to win. Far from it. There will always be losing streaks and bad beats. But if you approach the game with a solid strategy and a long-term perspective, then yes, poker can be one of the casino games with the best odds of winning real money.


Another one of the top casino games with great odds for winning real money is craps.

Craps has a reputation for being a loud, frenzied game, but it can actually be a great option for players looking to maximize their chances of winning.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, craps offers a wide variety of bets, many of which have relatively low house edges. Pass bets, don’t pass bets, come bets… the list goes on. And if you know what you’re doing, you can take advantage of these bets to give yourself the best possible chance of winning.

But perhaps the most underrated aspect of craps is the social element. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Social? At a casino game?” Hear me out.

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Because craps is played at a large table with multiple players, there’s a sense of camaraderie that you don’t get in other games. People cheer when someone wins, console them when they lose, and share tips and strategies throughout. This can be incredibly helpful for new players or those who are still learning the ropes. After all, nobody wants to lose their money unnecessarily.

Now, I’m not saying that you should start throwing your money around willy-nilly. Craps can be a high-stakes game, and it’s essential to set limits and stick to them. But if you approach it with respect and a open mind, craps can be one of the more generous games in the casino.

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When it comes to casino games with the best odds of winning real money, baccarat is often overlooked. But it’s time to change that.

Baccarat has a reputation for being a game exclusively for the rich and famous. You know the scene: a sleek black table tucked away in a corner of the casino, with tall glasses of champagne and well-dressed people placing bets with confident nods.

But despite its elitist image, baccarat is actually quite a simple game. There are basically three bets you can make: banker, player, or tie. And of these, the banker bet tends to have the lowest house edge (around 1.06%), followed by the player bet (1.24%).

Compared to other games, these house edges are incredibly low. Slot machines, for example, can have house edges of 10%, 15%, sometimes even up to 25%. Blackjack, another supposedly good game, has a house edge of around 0.5%, but this can vary widely depending on the table rules and your strategy.

So, yes. Baccarat deserves more credit than it usually gets. Next time you’re at the casino, why not give it a try? Just make sure you’re betting on the banker. They always seem to know what they’re doing, right?


Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games globally, and for a good reason. It’s fun, easy to learn, and (supposedly) offers some of the best odds for winning real money.

At least, that’s what we’ve been led to believe. But is it really that simple? Can you just stroll into any old casino and expect to walk out with pockets full of cash?

Well, let’s take a step back. The first thing to understand about blackjack is that it’s a game of incomplete information. You can see your own cards, and you can see the dealer’s face-up card. But you have no idea what’s on the face-down card in the dealer’s hand.

This uncertainty creates a strategic dimension to the game that many find appealing. Should I hit or stand? Would hitting result in busting, or would it give me a better chance of getting blackjack? These are the kinds of questions that blackjack players grapple with every day.

And it’s not just about strategy. There’s also luck involved. You can make the perfect decision every time and still lose money. That’s just the nature of the beast.

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So, what are the odds like? Well, as I mentioned earlier, the house edge in blackjack can be as low as 0.5% (although this varies widely depending on the table rules). This means that for every $100 you bet, the casino expects to keep $0.50 on average. Pretty good, right?

But here’s the thing. Those odds are only achievable if you play perfectly. No mistakes, no imperfections. Just pure, unadulterated perfection. And let’s be honest; nobody’s perfect. Not even close.

So, while blackjack might have some of the best odds in the casino, relying on it as a reliable source of income is probably misguided. View it for what it is: a fun, challenging game that tests your skills and keeps you coming back for more.  

Video Poker

Video poker is often overlooked compared to other casino games, but it’s definitely worth considering if your goal is to win real money.

Like poker, video poker has a skill component. You’re not just leaving things up to chance; you get to make decisions that can affect your outcomes. And if you make the right decisions, you can significantly improve your odds of winning.

The basic premise of video poker is simple. You’re dealt five cards, and you have the option to hold or discard any of them. If you choose to hold a card, it will stay the same in the next round. If you discard a card, you’ll get a new one. Your goal is to create a strong poker hand, ideally a pair of jacks or better.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Pairs? That’s it?”

Yeah, it sounds a little underwheling. But hear me out.

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Even a modest hand can pay out pretty decent returns. A pair of jacks, for example, will typically get you back double your original bet. From there, the payouts increase rapidly. A flush (any 5 cards of the same suit) pays out 6 times your bet, and a full house (3 of a kind plus a pair) pays out 9 times your bet. And if you manage to hit a royal flush (an ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the same suit), you’re looking at a juicy payout of 4,000 times your bet.

The beauty of video poker is that the payouts are based on objective criteria (your poker hand). There’s no guesswork or subjective judgments involved. It’s just you and the cards.

And if you want to bump up your odds even further, there are various strategies and optimal play charts you can consult. It’s not rocket science, but a little knowledge can go a long way.

So, if you’re looking for a casino game that offers both skill and potential reward, video poker might be worth a spin.


Slots are perhaps the quintessential casino game. You see them everywhere: flashing lights, spinning wheels, promises of riches beyond your wildest dreams. It’s enough to make even the most level-headed among us feel a little thrill of excitement.

But here’s the hard truth: slots are not your friends if you are trying to win real money consistently.

Don’t get me wrong; slots can be incredibly fun. The visuals are often flashy and engaging, and there’s something undeniably satisfying about pulling the lever (or pressing the button, I guess). And let’s not forget the jackpots. Hit that lucky spin, and you could walk away with enough money to buy a small island nation.

The problem, of course, is the odds. Slots are infamous for their less-than-favorable house edges. As I mentioned earlier, some slots can have house edges of 10%, 15%, sometimes even up to 25%. For every $100 you bet, the casino expects to keep anywhere from $10 to $25. Ouch.

Some people try to mitigate the risks by using complex strategies or relying on supposed hot and cold slots. But let’s be clear: there is no magic bullet here. The outcomes of slot spins are entirely random and independent of previous spins. There’s no pattern, no system you can use to predict what’s going to happen.

That’s not to say you should avoid slots altogether. Like I said, they can be a lot of fun. Just don’t go in with delusions of grandeur, thinking you’re gonna quit your job and buy a yacht after a few lucky spins. Keep it light, keep it fun, and don’t bet more than you’re willing to lose.

What Are the Worst Casino Games to Play if You Want to Win Real Money?

Okay, so now that we’ve gone over the games with higher chances, let’s talk about the ones that should be avoided when the aim of the game is to earn some real bucks. 


Keno is a game of pure chance. Tickets typically feature numbers 1 through 80, and players select anywhere from 1 to 15 numbers. Then, 20 numbers are drawn at random, and if your selected numbers match the drawn numbers, you win. The more matches you get, the more you win. Simple, right?

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Except, not so much.

The house edge in keno can vary widely, depending on how many numbers you select. If you choose only one number per ticket, the house edge is a whopping 30%. That means for every $100 you bet, the casino expects to keep $30. Yikes.

Things get slightly better if you select more numbers. For example, if you select 10 numbers, the house edge drops to a still-pretty-high 10%. But here’s the catch: if you don’t hit at least six of your numbers, you don’t get anything back. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Compare that to other games, where you might at least break even if you come up short on your predictions. Unforgiving, isn’t it?

Now, some people argue that the social aspect of keno makes it worth playing, despite the less-than-favorable odds. Yeah, I saw that too. But let’s be real; the “social aspect” mostly consists of you staring intently at a screen while a guy in a hat reads off a bunch of numbers. Hardly the raucous, communal experience of a poker table or a craps game.

So, if your goal is to win real money, I’d suggest looking elsewhere. Keno is more suited to those who enjoy a bit of harmless gambling without breaking the bank. Or those who like to fondly reminisce about their Cash Explosion dreams.


Let’s cut to the chase here: bingo is not known for its generous payouts. In fact, if you’ve ever attended a church bingo night to help an elderly woman with her shopping, you know that the prizes tend to be more on the practical side (cans of soup, boxed wine, hand-knitted sweaters).

Now, I’m not knocking bingo. It’s a beloved game enjoyed by millions around the world. And sure, if you’re lucky enough to hit bingo within a few numbers, you could walk away with a decent chunk of change.

But let’s be realistic here. The odds of winning big at bingo are fairly slim. According to some estimates, your chance of winning a grand from a $20 budget is roughly 50/500, or 1 in 10,000. Compare that to the odds of being struck by lightning, which are roughly 1 in 12,000.

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Now, I’m not suggesting that playing bingo is equivalent to standing on a street corner with a metal umbrella, waiting for the sky to open up. But there’s a certain degree of risk involved, isn’t there?

And let’s not forget the human factor. Bingo is unique in that it relies on other human beings to generate its outcomes. You’re at the mercy of your fellow players, who may or may not have sharp eyesight or arthritic hands. I’ve seen my fair share of near-misses and controversial calls over the years, let me tell you.

So, if your goal is to win big piles of cash, bingo might not be your best bet. But hey, if the company of some lovely locals and the hope of a few cans of soup is your thing, then by all means, keep on bingo-ing.

Important Note: The above does not apply to online bingo. Online bingo games come with healthier RTPs compared to land-based bingo halls. Thus, increasing your chances of winning real money.

Baccarat (Mini or Midi Baccarat)

Wait, what? Didn’t you say that regular baccarat was one of the better options for winning real money at casinos? Yes, I did. But there’s a caveat, my friend. That caveat is mini or midi baccarat.

Mini baccarat is a condensed version of traditional baccarat, usually played at a smaller table with fewer players. The gameplay is similar, but everything else seems to be amplified. The tension, the stares, the judgmental whispers. Okay, I made that last part up. Probably.

Now, don’t get me wrong; the odds of winning mini baccarat aren’t necessarily worse than regular baccarat. The house edge for the banker bet is still only about 1.06%, which is pretty darn good. But it’s the atmosphere that can make things uncomfortable.

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You see, in a regular baccarat game, the players sit around a large table, each with their own individual sections for placing bets. It’s a fairly intimate affair, with ample opportunities for discreet losing face moments. But in mini baccarat, everyone faces the dealer. Everyone. And there’s something about that shared gaze that can make even the most seasoned gamblers feel uneasy.

I remember my first (and last) experience with mini baccarat like it was yesterday. I was sitting there, minding my own business, placing my banker bets with a calm and steady hand. But suddenly, I felt eyes on me. Judgmental, disapproving eyes. I looked up and caught the gaze of a lady in a lavender suit. Our eyes locked, and I could see it in her stare. Disdain. For the next hour, I lost every penny I had bet on that cursed table. Coincidence? Maybe. But I like to think I’m a rational man, and yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being punished for my fashion indiscretions.

Look, I’m not saying that everyone who plays mini baccarat deserves to lose. Far from it. But if, like me, you prefer your gambling experiences free from unwanted scrutiny, I’d suggest giving mini baccarat a wide berth. Stick to the regular tables, where you can lose your money in peace.

What Is the Easiest Casino Game To Win Real Money At?

After evaluating all the popular casino games, the one that stands out as the easiest to win real money at is likely video poker. While none of these games can guarantee a win, video poker gives players a certain amount of control and skill involvement that can tip the odds in their favor. By making optimal decisions and following strategy, players can improve their return rates and potentially win more money over time. However, it's important to note that winning consistently at the casino requires discipline, patience, and a deep understanding of the games and their odds. No game can guarantee instant riches or a stress-free experience. So, if you're looking to play casino games, it's crucial to set limits, play responsibly, and enjoy the entertainment value these games can provide.


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  • 55 is the rank out of 66 on the list of occupations in the 2021 survey of North America’s Fear of Losing Money.

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Jonathan Davis likes to think of himself as a Jack-of-all-Trades, master of none; he has had various jobs throughout his life, ranging from working in a supermarket to collecting hotel feedback. When not writing, Jonathan can be found studying web development or playing video games.