Words that will get you banned from a casino

  • Some words and phrases will get you banned from a casino whether you mean to or not.
  • Saying certain phrases that casinos associate with cheaters will instantly flag you.
  • Using profanity excessively could cause casino staff to think you’re a cheater; therefore, they boot you out.

Do you know words that get you banned from a casino besides using profanity? If you thought that cursing was the only thing you cannot say in a casino, you are wrong.

There are many things you should not say in a casino, especially if you want to avoid problems. I’m not just talking about causing a scene by screaming at the top of your lungs every time you lose a hand or a spin on the slots.

You also have to consider how you present yourself at the tables. What you say can sometimes be misunderstood, and the next minute, the casino thinks you’re a cheater and kick you out.

So, before you plan your trip to Las Vegas or your favorite casino, make sure you know what to avoid saying.

Check out some of the words that get you kicked out of a casino, and maybe do your part in making the atmosphere more pleasant.

Systematic Approach

Casinos use a systematic approach to make profits. They earn money by having the advantage over each game. To ensure they don’t lose money, they use specific rules and strategies.

One of them is allowing (or disallowing) certain things during gameplay. You may not even realize it, but there are so many unwritten rules about behavior in a casino.

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For example, wearing headphones while playing blackjack is frowned upon because it can give players an unfair advantage over others at the table. This isn’t explicitly stated anywhere, but it’s understood by those who frequent these establishments. 

Also, dress code might apply. Most upscale casinos require jackets and ties for men, while some establishments allow more casual attire.

Now, this all sounds very strict, but it’s done to maintain order and fairness within the casino floors. So, as a player, you must follow the unspoken rules and avoid phrases that will get you kicked out.

Words That Instantly Get You Banned from a Casino

It’s important to note that getting banned from a casino is not necessarily permanent. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to appeal the ban and have it lifted. However, repeatedly breaking the rules can lead to a permanent ban.

With that being said, here are some words and phrases that can get you into trouble at the casino:

1. “The Dealer/RT (Registration Truck) Cheats”

Saying anything like “the dealer cheats” or “the RT is crooked” is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a casino. Not only is it defamatory, but it can also get you into a lot of trouble.

If you have concerns about cheating, the best course of action is to bring it to the attention of a pit boss or security guard privately. Accusing someone publicly can damage their reputation and potentially get you banned.

I know nobody wants to be accused of cheating, whether you are a or a player. It’s part of our pride, and once somebody attacks it, we go defensive either way. But casinos receive thousands of people daily, and it’s impossible to earn millions of dollars annually without having a few bad apples. Still, that doesn’t justify attacking dealers, roulette dealers, or any casino employee.

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Accusing anyone of being crooked is a surefire way to get yourself barred from the property. So, if you have a complaint, address it in a professional manner.

2. “I Have a System to Win”

Using phrases like “I have a system to win” is a red flag for casinos. Gambling establishments are well aware of people who try to find an edge by using complex systems or strategies. While some systems may seem foolproof, none can guarantee a winning hand every time.

Casinos view people who claim to have a winning system with suspicion, as they may be attempting to cheat or gain an unfair advantage.

To avoid raising suspicions, it’s best to approach gaming as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. Remember that the house always has the odds in its favor.

Thus, you should enjoy the game and have fun, rather than looking at it as a way to make a quick buck.

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3. “I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong”

Denying responsibility is never a good idea, especially if you’ve been caught doing something you’re not supposed to.

Phrases such as “I didn’t do anything wrong” or “That’s not true” can make you appear guilty and uncooperative. If you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize. A little humility can go a long way in diffusing a situation.

Moreover, if you are accused of something you didn’t do, the best course of action is to remain calm and provide evidence to clear your name. Arguing and denying the accusation can make you look suspicious.

4. “I’ll Come Back When [So-and-so] Is Dealing”

Vowing to return when a particular dealer is working is not a good idea. Dealers are replaceable, and casinos have dozens (if not hundreds) of them on staff.

Expressing preferences for certain dealers can make you appear difficult or demanding. Furthermore, it gives the impression that you believe in your “system,” and you are trying to get an advantage by playing with a particular dealer.

Remember that the outcome of each game is determined by chance, not the dealer. So, there’s no need to insist on playing with a specific individual. Be flexible and willing to play with whoever is dealing at the moment.

5. “My Friends and Me Will Be Here Every Weekend” 

Bragging about your future visits to the casino is not a wise move. Although casinos welcome repeat business, no one appreciates an arrogant customer. It makes you appear entitled and obnoxious.

Furthermore, letting everyone know of your future plans could backfire if you’re eventually banned. Your presence won’t be welcomed after getting barred, and it will create an awkward situation for both parties.

Instead of boasting about your future visits, simply enjoy your time at the casino without making grandiose claims. Your actions will speak louder than your words.

6. “I’ll Tip the Dealer/RT to Let Me Win”

Offering bribes or suggesting you will tip the dealer/rt to let you win is a big no-no and could land you in jail. Trying to bribe a dealer or any other casino employee to gain an advantage is considered cheating and is punishable by law.

Casinos take bribery and corruption very seriously, and anyone caught engaging in such activities will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, offering bribes is immoral and goes against the spirit of fair play that gambling is based on.

Remember that the outcomes of games are determined by chance, and there is no amount of tipping that can change that. Respect the rules of the game and trust in lady luck.

7. “Show Us How It’s Done”

Telling the dealer how to do their job is a major faux pas. Dealers undergo rigorous training to learn the intricacies of their games, and they are experts in their field.

Telling them how to do their job can come across as condescending and shows a lack of respect. Additionally, interfering with the dealers can disrupt the flow of the game and potentially alter the outcome.

Trust the professionals and let the dealers do their job. If you have a genuine question about the rules or the process, feel free to ask – but always do so politely.

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8. “This Game Is Rigged”

Saying that a particular machine or game is rigged is a surefire way to get on a casino employee’s bad side. Games are thoroughly tested and regulated to ensure that they are fair and operate on a purely random basis.

While it’s true that the casino has an inherent advantage, that doesn’t mean the games are rigged. If you lose, don’t blame the machine – it’s just the laws of probability catching up with you.

Moreover, spreading rumors and creating a negative atmosphere can drive away potential customers. Casinos rely on generating revenue through their gaming operations, so disparaging remarks about the integrity of their games are not appreciated.

9. “I’m Just Going to Cash Out and Come Back”

Leaving the casino to cash out your winnings and then immediately returning is not a good idea. Constantly cashing in and out can draw unwanted attention to yourself.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying your winnings, constantly taking small amounts of money and re-entering the casino makes it look like you’re trying to avoid paying taxes on your winnings.

This practice is known as “chip dumping,” and it’s against the law. Instead of making multiple small cashouts, it’s better to cash out at the end of your session. This way, you can enjoy your winnings without raising any flags.

10. “Does This Machine Actually Work?”

Asking questions like, “Does this machine actually work?” can make you seem distrustful and discourteous. Slot machines undergo regular maintenance and are routinely tested to ensure they are working properly.

Technicians regularly check the machines to make sure they are functioning correctly and pay out winners fairly. Casting doubt on the integrity of the machines reflects poorly on you and can create an unpleasant atmosphere at the casino.

If you have a genuine concern about a particular machine, it’s better to inform a casino employee directly. They can inspect the slot and resolve the issue promptly.

11. “I Don’t Believe In Luck”

Gambling is closely associated with luck, and saying things like, “I don’t believe in luck” can come across as arrogant. Your lack of belief in luck does not exempt you from the laws of probability.

Every gambler relies on luck to some extent, regardless of their skills or strategies. Embracing the element of luck can enhance your overall gaming experience and help you appreciate your wins, no matter how small.

Moreover, expressing your beliefs (or lack thereof) in luck can create tension between you and other players. Gambling is a social activity, and respecting the superstitions and beliefs of others goes a long way in fostering a positive atmosphere at the table.

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Important: Personal experience: A friend of mine used to brag about his skillsets and how he doesn't need luck to win. As a result, he rarely won, got frustrated easily, and made a terrible image of himself in front of other players.

12. “This Table Is Too Hot/Cold”

Claiming that a table is “too hot/cold” is a red flag for casinos. These terms are often used by players who believe in mythical concepts of luck and superstition.

While some players swear by these notions, casinos operate on the principle of statistical probability, not superstition. By labeling a table as too hot or cold, you imply that the outcomes of the game are not solely based on chance.

Moreover, making such statements can create a negative atmosphere at the table and influence other players’ decisions. It’s better to focus on the game and your strategy rather than relying on superstition.

13. “I’m On a Losing Streak”

Announcing that you’re on a losing streak is not a good idea. While it may be frustrating to lose, broadcasting your losses can attract unwanted attention.

Other players and casino employees may perceive you as a high-risk customer, and the pit boss might lower the limits on the table to prevent you from losing more money. This can be frustrating for both you and the other players.

Moreover, fixating on your losing streak can affect your decision-making abilities and lead to impulsive bets. It’s better to stay focused on the game and your strategy, regardless of your recent results. The outcomes of each round are independent events, and your luck can turn around at any moment.

14. “I’m Due For a Win”

Thinking that “you’re due for a win” is a common gambling fallacy. Each round of a casino game is a separate event, and the previous results have no bearing on the outcome of the current round.

Just because you haven’t won in a while doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to win soon. The odds of winning remain the same with every bet.

Believing in this fallacy can lead to impulsive betting and cause you to chase your losses, ultimately leading to further losses. It’s essential to understand that gambling is a game of chance, and wins and losses are determined purely on a random basis.

Respect the results of each round and enjoy the game without attachment to the outcome.

15. “I’ll Keep Playing Until I Get Even”

Swearing to keep playing until you get even is a slippery slope. Chasing your losses is a common gambling fallacy, and it can lead to significant financial losses.

Each round of a casino game is an independent event, and the outcome is determined purely by chance. Continuing to place bets in the hope of recouping your losses increases your overall risk and can result in even greater losses.

Instead of chasing your losses, it’s better to accept your defeats gracefully and walk away. Gambling should be seen as a form of entertainment, and you shouldn’t strive to recoup your losses. Focus on setting a budget before you start playing and stick to it, regardless of your results.

16. “What Happens in This Casino, Stays in This Casino”

Slogans like “what happens in this casino, stays in this casino” might have worked for Tigermania Gary Glitter, but it doesn’t work for normal human beings.

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Glitter was a famous English musician, and he coined this phrase for all the shady stuff he did inside casinos. He was later convicted of child sex offenses and had his photography equipment seized, which revealed his ill deeds. 

Although what goes down in a casino is typically kept confidential, that doesn’t give you license to engage in illegal or immoral activities. Breaking the law will get you into trouble, regardless of where it happens.

Casinos are businesses, and they have a vested interest in presenting a positive image to the public. Allowing illegal or immoral activities would tarnish their reputation and hurt their bottom line.

Moreover, engaging in criminal acts can get you banned from the casino and subject you to legal consequences. So, it’s best to behave yourself and abide by the laws and regulations of the casino and the jurisdiction in which it operates.

17. “I Curse You/The Dealer/RT”

Curse words or wishing bad luck on anyone is a big no-no. Using curse words or wishing bad luck on the dealer, the registration truck, or any other person is disrespectful and unsportsmanlike.

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Curling words at the dealer or the RT for not giving you a good card or ruining your bet can create a tense atmosphere and ruin the experience for everyone involved.

Remember that dealers and RTs are just doing their jobs, and they have no control over the outcomes of the games. Wishing bad luck on them reflects poorly on your character and can get you banned from the casino.

Moreover, using profanity excessively can also get you into trouble. While casinos generally allow swearing, using offensive language or directing it at other players or casino employees can result in ejection.

It’s essential to maintain decorum and show respect to others while you’re at the casino. Swearing occasionally is fine, but excessive profanity can create an unpleasant environment and reflect badly on you.

18. “My Ex-Spouse/Boss Is the RT/Dealer Here Tonight”

Bringing up bad experiences from your past by saying something along the lines of, “my ex-spouse/boss is the RT/dealer here tonight” can negatively impact your experience.

Associating the current dealer or RT with past negative experiences can create unnecessary tension and ruin your gaming experience. Everyone deserves a fresh start, and assuming the worst without any proof can be detrimental.

Additionally, making such statements can be perceived as threatening or harassing if the designated person overhears you. It’s best to focus on the present moment and enjoy the game without bringing in external baggage.

If you genuinely have an issue with a specific employee, it’s better to address it privately with a casino manager rather than airing your grievances to everyone at the table.

19. “Let’s See How Lucky the Irish Are Today” (St. Patrick’s Day)

Making stereotypical comments on St. Patrick’s day, such as, “let’s see how lucky the Irish are today” is considered prejudice. Making jokes or comments based on ethnic, religious, or cultural prejudices is highly offensive and intolerable.

While it’s true that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated as a symbol of Irish culture and heritage, linking Irish ancestry to luck is a stereotype. Such comments can offend Irish individuals, and it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Moreover, such remarks can create an uncomfortable atmosphere for other players, and the casino might step in to address the situation. It’s essential to respect different cultures and avoid making prejudiced comments.

Stick to polite conversations, and if you’re not sure about something, it’s better to remain silent than offend someone else.

20. “Where Is That Damn Button?”

Phrases like, “where is that damn button?” can make you sound like a cheater or an impatient player. Progressive jackpots have random number generators that trigger the bonus feature, and there’s no visible button.

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Professional slot players know this, but newbies who are not acquainted with progressive jackpot slots might utter something like this.

Demanding to know the location of the non-existent button can raise suspicions among the other players and the casino staff. It might make you seem like you’re trying to cheat the system or rig the game in your favor.

Moreover, constantly hitting the spin button indicates that you’re consuming your bankroll at a faster rate. This behavior can be interpreted as indicative of a gambling problem, and the casino might intervene to protect you and other players.

If you’re not sure how progressive jackpots work, it’s best to clarify your doubts with a casino representative before you start playing. Knowing the rules and understanding how the games work can enhance your gaming experience and prevent misunderstandings.

21. “Can I Confirm If This Is a Real/Live Game?”

Doubting whether a particular game is real or live can cast aspersions on your intelligence. All online casino games are carefully modeled to replicate the odds and payouts of their land-based counterparts.

In fact, many casinos use the same random number generator software for their online and brick-and-mortar operations. Thus, questioning the authenticity of the game can make you seem foolish and ignorant.

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Of course, there are instances when games malfunction or are not operating correctly. In such cases, it’s better to inform the dealer or a casino employee privately rather than voicing your doubts publicly.

22. “Is That Your Final Answer?”

Quoting popular game shows like, “is that your final answer?” might be entertaining, but it can also get on a dealer’s nerve. Dealers are not game show hosts, and comparing them to one can be unfair.

Moreover, such quotes have become quite clichéd and are not original anymore. Repeating lines that have been heard countless times can make you appear unimaginative and dull.

While it’s okay to engage in light banter, it’s essential to respect the dealers and other players. Striking a balance between fun and decorum goes a long way in making your gaming experience enjoyable for everyone involved.

23. “I Want to Speak to the Manager”

Threatening to talk to the manager every other hour is not a good idea. Constantly demanding to speak to the casino manager can make you seem difficult and confrontational.

Casinos train their employees to handle customer complaints efficiently, and approaching the manager for every minor issue is not practical. It puts an unnecessary burden on the management team and creates a negative image of you.

Moreover, overusing this statement implies that you expect special treatment or prefer to bypass the dealer or the pit boss. It’s essential to resolve issues amicably with the concerned party and avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily.

If you have a genuine complaint, it’s better to inform the dealer or the pit boss discretely. They can address the issue without creating a public scene. Only approach the manager if the problem persists and requires higher authority involvement.

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24. “Can You Loan Me Some Money?”

Asking for loans or appearing to be broke is not a good idea. Gamblers often go through periods of winning and losing, but constantly soliciting loans from friends or fellow players can reflect poorly on your financial management skills.

Moreover, accepting loans from other players can lead to hard feelings, especially if you lose the money. It’s best to set a budget before you start playing and stick to it. If you exhaust your funds, it’s time to call it a day and try your luck another time.

Gambling is a high-risk activity, and it’s essential to accept both wins and losses gracefully.

25. “Who Is This Girl/Guy?”

Pointing fingers at other players and asking questions like, “who is this girl/guy?” is rude and impolite. When you join a table game, you agree to participate with all the existing players.

Showing reluctance or discomfort towards another player’s presence can create an unpleasant atmosphere and affect your gaming experience. Moreover, such statements indicate that you have notions of superiority and do not respect other players’ right to play.

If you have a problem with a particular player, it’s best to communicate with them politely or step away from the table. Publicly calling out someone can lead to conflicts and spoil the mood for everyone involved.

Fun fact: Personal experience: One of my friends pointed at an Asian player and asked, "Who is this China guy?" I couldn't hold my composure and told him to watch his words. We ended up shaking hands with that guy and had a great conversation afterwards.

What NOT to Say at the Casino – Final Thoughts

Understanding what not to say at a casino is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Casinos operate on tight security measures, and any suspicious activity or statements are closely monitored.

It’s essential to respect the rules, abide by casino etiquette, and treat others with kindness. Gambling should be seen as a form of entertainment, and winning or losing should be accepted gracefully.

By avoiding the phrases listed above, you can enhance your reputation at the casino and enjoy your time without facing any unnecessary hassles. Remember, the casino is not just a place to win money; it’s an opportunity to have fun, meet new people, and indulge in exciting games of chance.

We also have an in-depth guide on general casino etiquette that can help you improve your manners and be more respected by other players.

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good overview of casino etiquettes. I never realized there were this many things that could get me banned.

Hi there, Andrew!

Yes, casinos have zero tolerance towards players who disobey rules and show poor manners. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and stick to proper etiquette. Our article provides a comprehensive list of phrases to avoid, helping you navigate the casino floor safely. Thank you for your question, and I’m glad you found the article useful. If you have any other queries, don’t hesitate to ask!