Best paying slot machines in a casino - hit more winning combs

The feeling of excitement when you play slots is hard to match, it’s one of the reasons why this game has remained popular for centuries.

Before you spin the reels, however, ask yourself this; do you know how to play slot machines? More importantly, are you playing the right ones? Read on as we teach you how to find the best-paying slot machines in a casino.

How do Casino Slots Work?

Before we take a closer look at the higher payout slots, let’s first examine how they work. Essentially, you feed money into the machine, whether that be through cash or with slots free spins, and then choose your stake. Your stake is the amount of money you want to bet per spin.

Once you’ve decided on your stake, simply press the button to spin the reels. They’ll spin around before coming to a stop. If the symbols matched in a way that aligns with the payment lines, you win.

For example, most machines will require three of the same symbol to appear in one of the payment lines for you to receive a reward. Each machine works differently, so we suggest checking out the slot’s pay table before you begin playing.

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What Percentage do Casino Slot Machines Pay?

Now that we’ve examined how casino slots work, let’s move our attention to return-to-player rates, also known as RTP. This term refers to the percentage of money that’s put into the machine that is paid back to the player over time.

However, that “over time” part is important to note. Even if you see a slot with a high RTP rate, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to win on your first or even fifth go. But don’t let this dishearten you, the rates are calculated over long periods of time.

The Nevada Gaming Commission sets the minimum slot machine payout in Las Vegas to 75%. While the machine might have a RTP of 95%, that 5% is kept by the casino to cover their costs and make a profit.

You might notice that a slot machine’s RTP rate isn’t actually 75%. That’s because there’s another term you need to familiarize yourself with and that’s the . This is the amount of money the machine pays out aside from what it takes in.

That being said, the higher the slot machine payout percentage, the better the chances are of winning. So, now that we’ve got that cleared up, let’s examine how to find these lucrative machines.

How to Find the Best Paying Slot Machines in a Casino

If you wanted to increase your chances of winning, you’d research how to pick the best-paying slots before you actually get to the casino, and you’d preselect the option to accept any free drinks that come your way. Sound about right?

Here’s how to choose a good slot machine:

Look Online Instead of In-Person

Online casinos have more room to maneuver when it comes to their RTP rates. We recommend looking online as the best payout slot machines will be easier to find. There are usually three types of gamblers:

• Those who enjoy the atmosphere of an in-person casino • Those who prefer the convenience of online casinos • Those who made use of both options and maximized their fun

We fall into that last category because why limit yourself? You can take advantage of both worlds and have just as much fun at home as you would in a casino. Plus, you’ll save yourself the hassle and potentially have an easier time finding those lucrative slot machines.

That being said, here’s a to help you get started.

Use Your Research Skills

It’s important to note that land-based establishments aren’t obligated to share their RTP rates. However, that’s not the case for online casinos. As we mentioned, they have more wiggle room, so the rates are stricter.

In fact, online casinos in the UK are required to audit their RNG (random number generator) to ensure they meet the proper standards. The audit must be done by an approved testing house.

These certified sites will typically publish their RTP rates. Make sure you read the fine print before signing up. Have a look at the slots they offer and their rates. You’re bound to find some high paying slot machines online.

While you’re doing your research, you should also examine the site’s reviews. Are people speaking highly of their experience? Do they offer enticing bonuses for new players? These are all things to consider.

Not sure where to start? Here are some of the for your research.

Take Advantage of Low Limit Slots

Brand name slots and those in prime locations in the casino will draw bigger crowds. However, these slots likely have lower return-to-player rates. It’s worthwhile to expand your search to less popular spots. After all, the best casino slot machines to win big on may be just a few feet away but hidden in plain sight.

Additionally, you should aim to play during the low limit hours, typically early in the day or weekday afternoons. During peak hours, like on the weekends or in the evenings, the jackpots are more likely to pay out. So, if your main goal is to play the best-paying slot machines, you should avoid these times.

Get Familiar With the Games

As you walk around the casino floor, take note of the slot machines that seem appealing. Once you get back to your hotel room, do some research on those specific games. Remember, it’s the RTP rate you should be focusing on.

You should also try out the free versions of those slots. Many legitimate websites will allow you to test them out without spending any money. This is a great way to practice and familiarize yourself with the game ahead of time.

Of course, it’s important to note that these free versions are just that, free. Don’t spend your hard earned money trying to perfect your skill on a slot machine in the hopes that you’ll make more at a later date. These are games of chance and anything can happen. However, the more you familiarize yourself with a game, the more confident you’ll feel when you begin putting real money down.

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Speaking of confidence, check out these . Trust us, they’ll come in handy, both in and out of the casino.

Use the 86/54 Rule

This rule states that you should ignore the slots that look like they’re not working in their favor by not paying out, and instead focus on the ones that are due to payout. However, this theory has been debunked.

Slot machines are programmed random number generators that aren’t linked. Just because one isn’t paying out doesn’t mean the other is due to pay twice in one go because they aren’t connected.

However, we do stand behind the idea of avoiding the slots that look flashy or are in prominent positions. Casinos know that if they make a slot look appealing, people will put more money into it. Again, these slots might have lower return-to-player rates.

Expand your search past these shiny spots and find a machine that feels right for you.

Where are the Best Places to Put High Limit Slot Machines in a Casino?

We’ve mentioned this already but it’s important enough to be worth repeating. Brighter, more extravagantly designed slots are typically the ones that eat up your money faster. These are often located in prime positions throughout the casino.

Try to find average-looking machines that blend in. They could be hiding one of the highest payout slots in the building. Remember, casinos want you to think that the flashy slots are the best, so they’ll decorate those areas to grab your attention.

In terms of location, you’ll typically find the high-limit slots in isolated areas. This allows wealthy gamblers to play for extended periods of time without interruption. Often, these cabarets will include amenities such as flat screen TVs, leather chairs, and cocktail service.

Sometimes, these VIP slot machines pay off more frequently. However, they make up for it with the higher stakes players are required to bet. Not to mention, the machines tend to have lower RTP rates.

So while you may win more often, you’re likely still losing overall. Plus, could you afford to place $100 stakes? We certainly couldn’t. Stick to a budget you’re comfortable with and remember to have fun.

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Where are the Best Placing for VIP Slot Machines?

VIP slot machines sound glamorous and while the amenities might be nice, remember why they’re being offered. Would you accept special treatment from a cigarette vender? No. Of course not. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

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Casino slots with the highest payouts might seem within reach from one of these coveted spots but you’re likely to lose a lot more money than you intend to gain. Playing on branded slots like the ones below comes with its own set of challenges too.

  1. Wheel of Fortune­­: This is one of the most famous slot machines. Everyone knows this brand and that’s why everyone wants a piece of the action. As we mentioned, popular slots like this likely have lower RTP rates. However, that’s not to say you won’t win big. You just might have to play several times before you hit the jackpot.
  2. Slots A Fun: These machines are typically found in restaurants or near arcade-style games for children. As the name suggests, the casino hopes you’ll have fun playing these slots. However, we hope your end goal is to win big and if that’s the case, you might want to look elsewhere.
  3. Eight Cent Slots: Much like Slots A Fun, these machines have a nostalgic ring to them. The hope is that players will have a good time reliving their youth but once again, we hope that’s not your main priority.
  4. Super Buffalo by Dragon Gaming: This slot was released in June 2021 and quickly became one of the most sought-after options in the business. Set in the Wild West, this looped video features a buffalo that periodically appears onscreen to blow air on the characters, blowing them around the screen. It’s… something. Some argue that this game, which is only available in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, is the state’s de facto official state game. Needless to say, don’t expect to earn much back from sending time with this buffalo.
  5. Elvis Slots: Of course, there are branded Elvis slot machines. Because there are multiple Elvis slot machines, each licensed by different estates, they don’t have the worst RTP rate (however, they’re still not amazing). But let’s be honest, it’s the music, flashing lights, and general overstimulation that’ll drain your wallet fastest. After all, Elvis didn’t become the king of rock ‘n’ roll byaccident.
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What Else Should I Consider When Choosing a Slot Machine?

Now that we’ve gone over the most popular slots, let’s examine a few others. Of course, this doesn’t mean we recommend playing any of the following recommendations. We’re simply explaining why they’re popular.

  1. Progressive Jackpot Slots : This type of slot connects to several machines. Every time someone plays and loses but doesn’t win the jackpot, it increases. These slots are exciting because they can reach massive numbers. However, as a result of that large pot, the base game will have a lower RTP rate. In fact, it could be as low as 80%. The sweet spot for return-to-player rates is between 93-96%. Anything lower than that, and you’re better off playing a different slot.
  2. Hot Drop Jackpots ­: These slots are similar to progressive jackpots but they have a couple key differences. For starts, they have to drop daily and weekly. This means the jackpots won’t get quite as high as their counterparts, but they also won’t fall below a certain amount. Additionally, these slots offer two jackpots: the small, frequent “peace” symbol and the larger, less frequent “war” symbol. Despite these consolations prizes, these slots are still too risky for our liking.
  3. Linked Slots : As the name suggests, these slots are linked to others. However, they’re different from progressive jackpot machines in that the prize pool is limited to the machines in that bank or row. We recommend staying away from these spots as they’re more than likely sporting lower RTP rates in order to fund the linked jackpots.
  4. BRANDED Machines: From Monopoly to Wheel of Fortune and beyond, branded slots are a dime a dozen. They’re usually pretty flashy, which means they’re probably stealing bria from their nearby neighbors. As a result, the return-to-player rate is likely suffering.
  5. New Games : Casinos rely on novelty. That’s why they’re always introducing new games. However, these slots haven’t had time to prove themselves yet. Until their success is cemented, they could have lower RTP rates in order to generate interest. We suggest waiting a month or two before exploring these options.
  6. Holiday or Seasonal Themed Slots : Like new games, holiday or seasonally themed slots rely on novelty. Casinos count on players wanting to celebrate all the time, not just during the actual holidays. These slots are attention-grabbing and could have lower return-to-player rates as a result.
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So, what should you consider when picking a slot machine? We already spoke about looking past the aesthetics but that’s not the only thing you should keep in mind.

Denise Coates, founder of Bet365, is the world’s most successful gambler. She went from working as a call center manager for Bet365 to giving her colleagues a retirement cheque during Christmas dinner while she continued to climb the ladder of success. Her tactics clearly work, so maybe we should pay attention when we talk.

Coates advises gamblers to stay away from EGM, or electronic gaming machines, that make a lot of noise and commotion. Casinos want other gamblers to hear the sound of coins raining down on winners. These machines could have lower return-to-player rates as a result.

She also recommends avoiding machines that have a history of paying out smaller wins constantly. While these consistent losses may make the gambler believe that their lucky day is just around the corner, studies show that these machines earn the casino the most amount of money due to their ability to drag a patron’s bankroll down the drain.

“There is no scientific evidence to support the belief that a jackpot is inevitably going to follow a series of small wins,” says Coates. “Each spin—or, rather, each play on an online slot—is a random event. The previous ‘hits,’ or misses, have nothing to do with the next play.”

Coates adds, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s far better not to become a compulsive gambler than it is to try to cure the condition.”

Prevention is key and understanding how to pick the best slot machines is a great place to start.

How to Pick a Good Slot Machine: Denise Coates’ Tips

Denise Coates has a net worth of $9.5 billion. Clearly, she knows a thing or two about slots. In addition to suggesting you don’t touch fire (which is also very solid advice), Coates has tips for how to pick a good slot machine.

  • Choose slots with high RTP rates: Return-to-player rates are a clear indication of how generous a slot is. Higher rates are ideal, so try to find one that’s equal to or greater than 95%.
  • Look for slots with low volatility: Volatility refers to the risk involved in playing the slot. Low volatility means you’ll have smaller, more frequent wins. While high volatility slots come with larger, less frequent wins. Knowledge is power, so familiarize yourself with the .
  • Set a budget and stick to it: A budget isn’t just helpful in slots, it’s necessary. Never play with money you can’t afford to lose and make sure to set a time limit for yourself.
  • Take advantage of bonuses and promotions: Online casinos offer tempting bonuses and promotions to new players. Do your research and take full advantage of these offers. These can include everything from sign-up bonuses to deposit matches.
  • Play for fun, not to win money: At the end of the day, slots are meant to be enjoyable. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to win and remember that there’s a game every day.

What’s the Most Popular Slot Machine in a Casino?

Clearly, the most popular slot machine in a casino will vary from person to person. One thing is for certain, however, and that’s that these games are beloved by many.

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Slot machines have a certain charm that keeps players coming back for more. Whether it’s the thrill of spinning the reels, the possibility of winning big, or the colorful graphics and sounds, it’s easy to understand their appeal.

For some, slot machines offer an escape from reality. It can be a relaxing and meditative experience, especially if you’re someone who enjoys repetitive tasks. Others enjoy the social aspect of playing in a group or chatting with the slot attendants. And let’s not forget the rush of adrenaline that comes with hitting the jackpot.

Ultimately, the most popular casino slots will continue to evolve alongside technology. Virtual reality slots, anyone?

Why Are Some Slot Machines Bigger Than Others?

Now that we’ve established why casino slots with the highest payouts are in question, another query we’d like to address is why are some slot machines bigger than others?

Quite simply, the casino makes more money off the larger machines. In turn, the manufacturer of the machine makes more money off the casino. Therefore, they’re willing to give the establishment a larger cabinet to display their product.

Additionally, these flashy slots are typically branded or have eye-catching graphics. Their size allows the casino to showcase these attractive features to players walking by. Remember, casinos are in the business of making money and they’ll use a variety of tactics to do so.

Avoid These Mistakes When Playing Slots

Now that we’ve gone over how to pick a good slot machine, let’s discuss some mistakes you should avoid.

Superstition Killers

Have you ever noticed that when you’re having a good run at the slots, some stranger always comments on your luck? Similarly, when you call it quits, another person will tell you that you should stick around because your luck is about to change.

Some people believe that slots have a certain cycle or routine. However, these games are programmed by random number generators. Each spin is completely independent and has no effect on the next one.

Temperamental players might be persuaded to intervene based on this misconception. The truth is, there is nothing you can do to control the outcome of the game. If you’re on a losing streak, your only option is to set a budget and stick to it.

Trying to Recoup Losses

This mistake is closely related to the previous one. Many gamblers chase their losses, believing that if they put in more money, they’ll eventually break even. Unfortunately, this is a slippery slope that often leads to even greater financial loss.

Remember, each spin is independent. There’s no guarantee that you’ll win back your money, no matter how long you play.

It’s essential to treat slots like any other form of entertainment. Set a budget that you’re comfortable with and stick to it. If you lose money, don’t try to recoup those losses. Consider it money you spent on an activity and move on.

Believing Myths and Misconceptions

There are countless myths and misconceptions surrounding slot machines. Some people believe that certain days of the week are lucky, or that particular times of day yield higher payouts. Others swear by complex strategies involving betting patterns or the study of hot and cold machines.

Unfortunately, none of these beliefs are based in reality. Slots operate entirely on chance, and there is no guaranteed way to win big.

Don’t waste your time and energy chasing after these myths. Instead, approach the games with a clear head and a realistic understanding of your chances.

What Are The Best Times To Play Casino Slots?

Timing is important for many things, but when it comes to casino slots, we’re not so sure. As we mentioned earlier, there’s a misconception that slots pay out more frequently during peak hours, typically evenings and weekends.

Again, this stems from the idea that slots operate on a cycle. People reason that if they play when they think the machine is “due,” they’re more likely to win.

But each spin is independent, and the random number generator doesn’t care what time of day it is. In fact, land-based casinos often perform regular system maintenance during the daytime, when fewer people are present. This means that the machines may actually be more reliable and accurate during non-peak hours.

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At the end of the day, you should play whenever works best for your schedule. If you prefer the hustle and bustle of a busy casino floor, by all means, have at it. But don’t change your entire plan based on a misguided belief in slot machine timing.

How to Tell if a Slot Machine is Going to Pay Out

People are always searching for ways to predict when a slot machine will pay out. After all, who wouldn’t want to win big? However, the truth is, it’s impossible to tell exactly when a slot machine is going to pay out. These games are programmed with random number generators, which means each spin is completely random and unpredictable.

That being said, there are a few things to be aware of when playing slots. Firstly, as we’ve discussed, the return-to-player rate can give you an idea of how generous the game is over the long term. Look for machines with higher RTPs.

Secondly, remember the volatility level. Low volatility machines will pay out more frequently, although in smaller amounts. Meanwhile, high volatility games offer bigger wins, but they may be further apart. Determine which type of game fits your play style best.

Finally, set a budget and stick to it. This is perhaps the most important tip of all. Slots should be seen as a form of entertainment, not a way to make money. If you find yourself getting deeper into debt, it’s time to cash out and take a break.

In summary, there’s no surefire way to tell if a slot machine is going to pay out. But by choosing games with good RTPs and volatilities that suit you, and managing your bankroll carefully, you can improve your chances of having a enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Where Can I Play Casino Style Slots Online?

Okay, so we’ve established it’s smarter to play casino slots from the comfort of your own home. But which website can you trust to provide a fair and secure experience?

As with , there are plenty of sketchy online casinos that promise the moon but deliver nothing but heartache (and possibly a virus for your computer).

Luckily, we live in an age of transparency. A quick Google search can reveal a casino’s licensing information and customer reviews. Before committing to a site, do your homework. Ensure that the platform holds a valid license from a reputable regulatory body.

The United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) and Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) are two well-respected organizations that oversee online casinos. A seal of approval from either of these entities is a good indicator that the site is legit.

Reading customer reviews can also give you valuable insights into the casino’s practices. Look for common themes in both positive and negative feedback. Does the casino resolve complaints fairly? Are their games audited for fairness? These are important questions to consider.

In addition, make sure the online casino uses advanced encryption technology to protect your personal and financial information. They should have strict policies in place to prevent fraud and promote responsible gaming.

Furthermore, the site should have a wide selection of reputable software providers, ensuring a diverse range of games. Finally, the interface should be user-friendly and compatible with various devices.

With these factors in mind, you can find a safe and enjoyable online casino for your slot-playing pleasure.

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Find Slot Machines That Pay Off at These Reputable Online Casinos

Are you ready to start playing online slots? Check out these reputable casinos to get started.

  1. DuckyLuck Casino ­– This Native American-themed casino offers a 500% welcome bonus and hundreds of high-quality slots from top developers like Rival and Saucify. Players can enjoy a VIP program, daily bonuses, and a wide range of banking options.
  2. Las Atlantis Casino ­– Immerse yourself in an underwater world of slots at this sea-themed casino. With a 280% welcome bonus and games from leading providers like Dragon Gaming and Ferondance, there’s something for every player. Enjoy 24/7 support, fast payouts, and cutting-edge security measures.
  3. SuperSlots Casino – This established casino has been around since 1996 and offers a wide variety of slots, including exclusive titles. With a 100% bonus up to $6,000, players can enjoy a luxurious gaming experience with 24/7 live chat support and a range of banking options.
  4. MegaDeltas ChipHype Casino ­– Prepare to party at this neon-soaked casino, featuring slots from Betsoft, Dragon Gaming, and other premium providers. With a 250% welcome bonus and 24/7 live chat support, MegaDeltas has something for everyone. Plus, their games are independently audited for fairness.
  5. MegaSlots Casino ­– Roll out the red carpet for this glitzy casino, offering a 300% welcome bonus and hundreds of slots from industry heavyweights. Players can enjoy 24/7 support, a loyalty program, and swift payouts. All games are routinely audited for fairness.
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Frequently Asked Questions on Finding Slot Machines That Pay Off

What slot machine has the best odds of winning?

In general, online slots offer better odds than their land-based counterparts. Look for games with a high return-to-player (RTP) rate, which indicates how much of each wager is paid out to players over time. Aim for slots with an RTP of 95% or higher. Additionally, choose games with low volatility, as these offer more frequent wins. However, remember that slot machines are inherently random and there’s no foolproof way to guarantee wins. Treat the games as entertainment and set a budget that you’re comfortable with.

Where can I find slot machines that pay off?

Slot machines can be found at casinos, both online and in-person. Your chances of winning are generally better online, as the competition is greater and there are thousands of sites vying for your business. Do your research and choose a reputable online casino with a good reputation and a variety of quality slots. In-person, major cities like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Reno are known for their abundance of casinos and slot machines.

How do you pick a good slot machine?

When choosing a slot machine, both online and in-person, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, check the game’s RTP and volatility. Look for a machine with a high RTP and a volatility level that suits your playing style. Secondly, set a budget and stick to it. Thirdly, avoid machines that appear to be in a loud, flashy area. They may have lower RTPs to fund their displays. Fourthly, resist the urge to chase losses or believe in superstitions. Lastly, remember that slots are a form of entertainment and should be enjoyed responsibly.

Which casino slots are loosest?

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer to this question. Unlike years past, modern slot machines are not designed to be “beat.” They utilize random number generators, ensuring that each spin is entirely random and independent. This means that one machine may appear to be looser (or hotter) than usual, but this is merely a temporary fluctuation.

Where is the best place to put a slot machine to make the most money?

From a business perspective, casinos place more visibile and high traffic area slots in busy areas like the entrances, near hotels, restaurants, bars, bathrooms, and high foot traffic areas to capture the maximum attention of visitors. These areas offer maximum exposure, increasing the likelihood of players trying their luck. Flashy designs and eye-catching graphics are used to attract attention. However, these machines may have lower return-to-player ratios to compensate for the increased visibility.

Zachariah Bryan contributed to my research on this topic.

Kevin Roberts, previously published under the pseudonym Noah Davis, is one of the more diverse writers at Like many of his colleagues, he's a huge fan of both football and basketball. But he also writes about box office records, TV show prop bets, DFS, horse racing, and all kinds of casino games. For the last four years, he's covered it all, helping players get an edge and becoming an expert on oddsmaking the way.

When it comes to wagering money, many people believe that location is everything.

This adage explains why the real estate mantra “location, location, location” is one of the oldest and most true maxims in that market. It also proves that cliche censors have yet to infiltrate the world of gambling.

Anyway, the expression means that how well something performs is directly correlated to its environment. Any experienced gambler understands this principle, which is why they choose the right time, whether it’s knowing when to bet on the Kentucky Derby, or when to stay away.

Likewise, any experienced sports bettor knows that laying action on a Tuesday night is vastly different from dropping it on a Sunday afternoon.

Naturally, these concepts transfer over to slot machines. That is, if you believe that casino slots with the highest payouts are in how they’re laid out, their colors, and their surroundings.

Are there certain slot machines that pay off more than others? Absolutely. But we’ll get to that in a bit. Right now, we want to explore the concept of environment and how the best slots to win on might be right in front of you the whole time.

How to Pick a Winning Slot Machine

What makes a slot machine loose or tight? Loose slots are games with higher RTPs and payouts. Tight slots are games with lower RTPs and payouts. Obviously, you want to play the loose slots, but how can you find them?

First, understand that every game in a casino gives the same or almost the same amount in profits to the house. For instance, one slot might take 5% of money inserted and cough up 95% while the one next to it kicks out 96%. It’s the same thing, relatively speaking.

Now, there are certain machines which give more back to players. And yes, they tend to be the ones that look like they get the most action.

For the most part, the best slot machines to win on are in high traffic areas, such as near the entrance or in a central location. That’s not saying they’re the loosest, but every casino needs something to entice patrons.

Think about it. You come in and your goal is to find casino slot machines that pay off big. Naturally, you’ll glance over to the ones that look like they’ve coughed up a bundle in winning already. Of course, everybody else is thinking the same thing — ergo, they’re loose by default.

Casino owners are clever, though. That’s how they make more money by spending little to none. Still, I’d err on choosing slots that appear to be hot if you’re a novice. At least this way, you have a shot at enjoying the experience.

By the way, the best casino slots for winning are online. You won’t have to deal with choosing the right one due to the proximity factor. Check out our guide to the for more info.

Casino Location Matters

Location, location, location. We’ve heard that phrase countless times, but does it apply to slots? I’d say so.

Now, I don’t think that casino slot machines that pay off more regularly are placed in choice locations because of altruism. No, these places are high traffic because the house knows you’ll stop and stare. Next, you’ll linger to see if anybody claims the jackpot. Of course, some do, but not all. That sends the greed monster rearing its ugly head. You tell yourself that you only came in to buy milk and bread, but that nagging voice inside your head says, “Just push the lever a half-dozen times. What’s the harm in that?” Before you know it, you’ve blown a mortgage payment on Red, White, and Blue.

Still, it was worth it because you got four bars on the third spin.

Yeah, that voice is the devil.

Although I think high-traffic slots are loose simply because they are where the majority aims their gaze, some experts disagree. According to Mike Snider at USAToday, the best slot machines to win on are not near the entrances or restrooms. He explains that the casino puts its highest-earning slots for the house in high-volume areas.

Snider suggests looking for empty seats and choosers with fruit and symbol displays. Furthermore, pull on the handle a few times with no coins in the bill acceptor to see if somebody else will soon come along and claim the prize.

I guess that’s a decent strategy, but honestly, I’d just hop on and hope for the best.

Timing Is Everything

Slots dorks know that the best time to play the best casino slots for winning is early in the AM.

Indeed, waking up and rushing to the casino is a surefire way to irritate your significant other. Unless you have a job that starts at noon or 1 p.m., this strategy eats significantly into your waking hours and sleep patterns.

But hey, I never said you had to implement these concepts into your life. We’re just discussing the concept of environment and the possibility that slot machine manufacturers loose set to entice