Craps online tips - top casinos, best sites & how to play

We’ll start by looking at how to play , starting with the basics of table play before moving on to advanced strategies such as Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line, and the come out roll. After that, we’ll look at the best craps tips, including how to overcome fear of the dice, managing your bankroll, knowing when to walk away, and which are the . The best-rated online casinos in the US offer excellent welcome bonuses that will give you extra funds to enjoy this game even if the dice aren’t rolling in your favor.

If you are new to the game and want to learn , our comprehensive online guide features all the key information you need to understand the rules and strategies of this classic casino game. If you are already familiar with the basics but is getting the better of you, our top tips should help get you back on track.

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While craps might seem like a complex game, especially if you are new to the world of real money online gambling , it is actually very easy once you have learned the basics. You might feel intimidated by the number of people surrounding the table or peering over each other’s shoulders to see the rolls, but once you experience the thrill of playing at an online casino, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner.

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In fact, one of our top craps tips is to try out a free version of the game before you bet real cash, whether that be online or in a land-based casino. A free demo allows you to get used to the rules and different types of bets available without breaking the bank. It can also be incredibly useful to practice any strategies you may be learning, without the pressure that comes with playing for real money.

Once you are comfortable with the game, our will provide a generous welcome bonus that will give you valuable extra funds to play craps without the risk of losing your own hard-earned cash. You won’t receive immediate profits by betting on every lose proposition, and this isn’t one of our craps tips. This is because, over the long term, these will lose in the end.

That’s not to say you can’t win at craps. There’s no denying the rush you feel when you place a $5 bet on any 7 and see the shooter roll a 7, instantly doubling your money. Our advice? Enjoy those wins while they last, without relying on them as a guaranteed way to line your pockets. Looking for a specific topic? Use the following table to navigate this guide.

Understanding Craps Odds and Probabilities

Before we share our top craps tips and tricks, let’s take a closer look at the odds and probabilities involved in the game. Every bet you can make at the craps table comes with its own set of odds – or the mathematical probability of winning or losing the bet.

For example, the most fundamental bet in craps is rolling a 7. This has odds of 1:6, meaning you have a one in six chance of rolling a 7. The same bet on rolling a 2 has odds of 1:36, since there are 36 numbers that do not add up to 2. This means that some bets are more likely to occur than others.

Each type of wager you can make at the craps table comes with a different house edge, which refers to the odds advantage that the casino has over the player. This is worked out by comparing the true odds of a bet to the actual payout odds. For example, the true odds of rolling a 7 are calculated as 1:6 (or 16:36), whereas the payout odds are 4:1.

Since these do not match up, the house has an edge of 16-4, or 67%. This means that over time, the casino will pay out less than it would if the odds were truly reflected in the payout. The lower the house edge, the better your chances of making a profit.

Some bets are more favorable to players than others. For example, the bet with the lowest house edge in craps is placing a wager on either a 7 or 11, which has odds of 1:2 and a house edge of only 1.41%. In contrast, betting on rolling a 2 is much less favorable, with a house edge of 13.89%. Our craps tips would always be to go for the bets that offer the lowest house edges, and avoid those with higher ones.

Understanding the different odds and probabilities is a crucial part of learning how to play craps and increasing your chances of winning. However, it is important to remember that craps is still a game of chance, and there are no guaranteed strategies that will guarantee you a profit every time. With this in mind, here are some top tips from our craps expert to help improve your game.

Top 10 Craps Tips – Tricks & Strategy

Our craps expert has years of experience playing this exciting game both online and in land-based casinos around the world. Here he shares his top 10 craps tips, covering everything from choosing the right casino and understanding the odds to managing your bankroll and knowing when to walk away.

#1 – Pick the Right Casino

When it comes to playing craps, not all online casinos are made equal. As well as offering a fun, immersive experience and great graphics, the best sites should provide a wide selection of games with different odds and House Edge percentages.

As we mentioned above, some bets offer far better odds than others. A good online casino will allow you to take advantage of these more profitable wagers, helping to increase your chances of winning. Our craps tips would always be to look for sites that offer low House Edge percentages on your favorite games.

One of the best ways to compare different sites is to check out our expert online . We analyze each operator across a range of criteria, from the quality of their craps games to the safety and security of their site. By reading our in-depth reviews, you can find a reputable casino that suits your individual needs and preferences.

We also recommend checking out the various welcome bonuses and promotions offered by different online casinos. These offers can provide valuable extra funds to boost your bankroll and help you get more for your money. Just remember to read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up, to ensure that you are aware of any wagering requirements or restrictions on certain games.

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#2 – Learn About the Different Bets

Another of our top craps tips is to take some time to learn about the different bets you can make. At first glance, the overwhelming array of options on the craps table can be intimidating. However, many of these wagers are simply variations of a few basic bets.

Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line are two of the most fundamental bets in craps, and offer some of the best odds for players. Put simply, the Pass Line bet is a wager that the shooter will roll a 7 or 11, while the Don’t Pass Line bet predicts that they will roll a 2, 3, or 12 instead. Both of these bets have a low House Edge of just 1.41%, making them highly favorable to players.

Come and Don’t Come bets work in a similar way, but can only be made after the come out roll. If you bet Come, for instance, you are wagering that the shooter will roll a 7 or 11, while a Don’t Come bet Predicts they will roll a 2, 3, or 12.

Field bets involve wagering that the next roll will be a 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11. This bet appears several times on the craps table, although the odds and payouts can vary slightly depending on where it is placed. At some online casinos, for example, you may be able to make a Full Bet by putting your chips in the center of the Field square. Alternatively, you could place an Any Seven bet by putting your chips on the boundary between the Field and Seven squares.

Our craps tips would always be to focus on the bets with the lowest House Edges rather than chasing losses by placing high risk propositions. Remember, there is no sure-fire strategy that will guarantee instant profits, so it is essential to play responsibly and enjoy the game.

#3 – Practice, Practice, Practice

Whether you are a total beginner or a seasoned pro, practicing your skills is essential if you want to become a craps master. One of the best things about playing online is that you can usually try out a free version of the game before spending any real money.

By testing out this demo version, you can get a feel for the flow of the game and experiment with different bets without any financial risk. Many online casinos also offer tutorials or guided practices to help you learn the ropes.

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Even if you are already familiar with the rules of craps, practicing regularly can help you refine your strategies and stay sharp. You could try setting yourself challenges, such as sticking to Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line bets for a certain number of rolls, or trying to identify patterns in the shooter’s throws.

Of course, practicing does not have to be serious business. Craps is a fun, social game that is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t be afraid to loosen up, relax, and enjoy the buzz of the virtual casino floor. Whether you’re cheering on the shooter or high-fiving your fellow players after a big win, there’s nothing quite like the excitement of a good craps game.

#4 – Manage Your Bankroll

Just like in any other form of gambling, effective bankroll management is crucial if you want to succeed at craps. Essentially, this means deciding how much money you are willing to spend (and lose) during a particular session or period of play.

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There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much you should bring to the table. It depends on a variety of factors, including your financial situation, your level of experience, and your personal goals. Some players may choose to set a strict budget and stick to it no matter what, while others might be willing to reinvest their winnings in the hopes of hitting a big jackpot.

Our craps tips would always be to start with small bets and gradually increase your stakes if you start winning. This can help you make your bankroll last longer and potentially walk away with some decent profits.

It can also be helpful to use a betting system, where you adjust the size of your wagers based on previous results. For example, the Martingale strategy involves doubling your bet after every loss, ensuring that you will eventually win back your money and make a small profit.

However, it is important to approach betting systems with caution. While they may sound appealing, none of them can guarantee success and they can be risky if not implemented correctly. Be prepared to accept your losses and move on if a bet is not going your way.

#5 – Know When to Walk Away

One of the most important craps tips we can offer is to know when to quit. It can be tempting to keep throwing dice, especially if you are on a winning streak or trying to recoup your losses. However, chasing losses is a common mistake that many players fall into, often with disastrous consequences.

Setting a limit on how much you are willing to spend is a good start, but it is not enough. You should also decide when you want to call it quits, whether that be when you have reached a certain level of profit, or simply when you feel satisfied with your performance.

Our craps expert suggests that you should quit while you are ahead. This might mean leaving the table soon after you started and made a quick profit, or it could mean calling it quits after an hour or two of play. Whatever works for you, the key is to trust your instincts and listen to your gut feeling.

Of course, sometimes luck is not on your side, and you might end up losing more than you planned. In these situations, it is crucial to stay calm and collected. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember that losing is a natural part of the game. Try to view it as an opportunity to learn and improve your skills for next time.

#6 – Overcome Fear of Dice

Craps can seem intimidating to beginners, particularly if you walk onto the casino floor and see a group of people huddled around the table, shouting and high-fiving each other. It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed or unsure of where to start.

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However, our craps tips would always be to remember that everyone was a newbie at some point. The dealers and other players are there to help you learn and understand the game, so don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek guidance.

One of the best ways to overcome your fear of the dice is to start small and build your confidence gradually. Consider joining a table where the stakes are low, and observe the other players for a few rounds before making your own bets. You could even try placing a few small bets on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line to get a feel for the rhythm of the game.

Remember, craps is a social game that is meant to be enjoyable for everyone involved. Don’t be shy about striking up a conversation with your fellow players or celebrating someone else’s win as enthusiastically as your own.

#7 – Choose the Right Table

With our craps tips, you now know that not all tables are created equal. Depending on your goals and preferences, some tables may be more suitable than others. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing where to play:

  • Location: Craps tables can vary significantly depending on where they are located within the casino. For example, tables near popular entrances or high-traffic areas may attract larger crowds and faster pace, while tables in quieter corners might be more relaxed and intimate. Think about whether you prefer a lively atmosphere or a more low-key experience.
  • Minimum bet: Most craps tables have a minimum bet per round that all players must contribute to. This can range from just a few dollars up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Make sure to choose a table with a minimum bet that fits within your bankroll and goals for the game.
  • Player skill level: Some tables may have a mix of beginners and experienced players, while others are dominated by seasoned craps veterans. If you are new to the game, you might feel more comfortable starting at a table with other novices or more patient, supportive players.
  • Dealer experience: The dealer plays a critical role in running the game and ensuring that bets are placed fairly and accurately. Look for a table with an experienced dealer who knows the ins and outs of craps and can answer any questions you might have.
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Ultimately, the best table for you will depend on your personal preferences and playing style. Don’t be afraid to explore different tables and find the one that feels right for you.

#8 – Observe Other Players

Watching how other players bet and react can be really useful, especially if you are a beginner or lacking in confidence. Seeing the different strategies being played out in front of you can help you visualize how the game works and get some inspiration for your own bets.

However, it is important not to get too caught up in what other players are doing and forget to focus on your own game. Remember, everyone is there to enjoy the game of craps and there is no need to compete or compare yourself to others. Trust your own instincts and play the way that feels right for you.

Our craps expert also advises against following any “expert” players who claim to have a foolproof strategy for winning big. While there may be some experienced players at the table, there is no guarantee that they will consistently come out on top. Stick to your own plan and don’t be swayed by external pressures.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to speak up if you have a question or want to make a bet, even if there are other players at the table. The dealer and other players are there to assist you and make sure the game runs smoothly.

#9 – Avoid Superstition

Despite its reputation as a lucky game, superstition can sometimes creep into the world of craps. You might hear players making curious statements or engaging in odd rituals, such as blowing on the dice or touching wood after cursing.

Although these behaviors may seem strange to an outside observer, they can be comforting or empowering for the players themselves. Believing in superstition can provide a sense of control or predictability in a game that is inherently unpredictable.

However, our craps tips would always be to not get drawn into superstition. Ultimately, craps is a game of chance, and there is no sure-fire way to guarantee a win. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to follow certain superstitions or believe that you can influence the outcome of the dice.

Instead, focus on enjoying the game, respecting the rules, and treating others the way you would like to be treated. Craps is a social game that is meant to be fun and inclusive for everyone involved, regardless of their betting history or superstitions.

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#10 – Have Fun!

Above all else, our craps expert believes that the most important thing is to have fun. Despite its reputation as a gambler’s game, craps is at its core a social and festive activity that brings people together and fosters camaraderie.

By keeping a light heart and approaching the game with a sense of joy and curiosity, you can deepen your appreciation for craps and enhance your overall experience. So next time you’re at the table, don’t be afraid to laugh, cheer, and celebrate with your fellow players. That’s what craps is all about!

Craps is a game that taps into our primal desire for risk, reward, and community. It can evoke strong emotions, from the elation of a winning streak to the frustration of a string of losers. However, by approaching the game with a positive attitude and respect for others, you can transform these emotions into a source of excitement and connection.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the world of craps, never forget the power of laughter, encouragement, and good sportsmanship to elevate the game to new heights of entertainment and camaraderie.

Most Successful Craps Players

Now you know our craps tips, you could become one of the successful players. But who are the biggest names in the craps world?

#1 – Frank Scoblete

Frank Scoblete is a well-known author, seminar leader, and professional gambler who has been dubbed the “Muhammad Ali of Craps.” He holds the Guinness World Record for the longest winning streak at 37 hours long, which resulted in him raking in a huge $16,607.97 profit. His book, “Beat the Crap Out of Craps,” has sold over 300,000 copies and is considered a bible for craps players.

#2 – Patricia Demauro

Patricia Demauro is another famous name in the world of craps, holding the record for the longest single session win by a woman, clocking in at almost 19 hours straight for a cool $1.57 million dollar profit. She has also written a book about her experiences, entitled “Just Shoot Me: A Black Widow in Las Vegas.”

#3 – Jonathan Gay

Jonathan Gay, also known as the “Craps Prince,” is renowned for his expertise in the game and his ability to win big. He has authored several books on craps, including “Gay’s Basic Craps Strategy” and “Mastering Craps.”

#4 – Amarillo Slim

Though primarily known as a poker player, Amarillo Slim also had a keen interest in other casino games, including craps. He once bet on the roll of a 12, which would have paid off if it landed on a 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, or 12 – and amazingly, three of the five numbers came up, resulting in a $129,600 payout. Not a bad day’s work!

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These players have not only achieved incredible feats in the world of craps but have also contributed to the growth of the game through their writing and advocacy. They serve as inspirations to aspiring players and remind us of the thrill and excitement that craps has to offer. Who knows, maybe one day your name will be on this list.


What are the best craps tips for beginners?

Is there a strategy to playing craps?

What are some common mistakes to avoid in craps?

Should I bet with or against the shooter?

How can I manage my bankroll effectively while playing craps?

Are there any social aspects to playing craps?

Why do some players engage in superstitious behavior while playing craps?

Can I rely on betting systems to win at craps?

How can I find the best online casinos for playing craps?

What makes a good craps table?
