Tips how to know if slots are rigged or fair

  • If the casino is properly licensed, then you can rest assured that the slot machines are fair.
  • Make sure that the random number generator within the slot machine software is functioning properly.
  • Some shady online casinos will try to entice you to play rigged slot machines with too-good-to-be-true bonuses.

What with all of the slot machine myths circulating around the Internet, it’s no wonder players become skeptical about their chances of winning. But out of all the misconceptions, the idea that casino slots are rigged might be the most damaging to an operator’s reputation.

Gamblers have long suspected that casinos fit slots with fake innards in order to take advantage of unsuspecting players. Although this was somewhat true in the early days of electronic gaming machines, it definitely isn’t the case today.

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After reading this guide, you’ll know everything there is to know about how slots work and where to find the fairest games on the net.

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Do Casinos Rig Their Slot Machines?

No, modern-day casinos don’t rig their slot machines because doing so would hurt their bottom line.

You see, slot machines are designed in a way that guarantees a certain amount of money will be lost per play. This value is represented as the house edge, and it dictates what percentage of total funds wagered on a game the casino will keep in the long run.

Slots are by far the easiest game to tweak the house edge in order to increase profits; therefore, you can be sure that they’ve been set up in such a manner. As long as the house edge remains constant, it doesn’t matter which symbols match up on winning combinations or what triggers a jackpot; the final RTP (return-to-player) will be the same.

This is why slot machines, both land-based and online, come in many different shapes and sizes while offering an average return between 90-96%.

If a casino were to rig its slots in any significant way, it would immediately draw attention from regulatory bodies and negatively affect its reputation among customers. Therefore, all online slot machines are both random and fair.

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The main thing you should worry about when playing online slots isn’t the game being rigged but rather falling victim to the volatility and variance of that particular game.

If you feel like you’re due a win after a long session, but aren’t paying attention to a slot’s volatility, you could end up draining your bankroll before getting lucky.

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Random Number Generators (RNGs) Ensure Fair Play

Every online slot machine is equipped with what’s known as a random number generator (RNG). This piece of software ensures that the results produced by a slot machine are completely random and unaffected by anything that’s happened before.

An RNG functions by producing a series of random numbers immediately before the reels come to a stop. These numbers correspond to symbols and essentially tell each reel what symbol it must show when it stops spinning.

Seeing as how the numbers being produced are truly random, each spin has the same chance of being a winner as any other. The only thing you need to look out for is the return-to-player (RTP) rate, which tells you how much of all the money wagered on a slot machine is paid out as wins over the long haul.

It’s important to note that everything which takes place during your online betting experience is monitored closely by online gambling regulators. Every reputable online slot machine uses an RNG that’s been tested and certified as fair by one of these third-party organizations.

These authorities put slot machine software through its paces, running millions of simulations to ensure that what the game offers is indeed a fair and random experience for players. Some of the more reputable groups include iTech Labs, Gaming Associates, and Technical Systems Testing (TST).

With this in mind, you can rest assured that all online slots are safe and give players a good chance of hitting it big.

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Can Casinos Control Who Wins?

One of the biggest misconceptions about casino operators is that they control who wins and who leaves empty-handed. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Although it may seem as if a slot next to you is hitting big wins every five minutes, this is just a product of being in a public place. People who wouldn’t think twice about shouting inside a church start yelling and hollering when they hit a bonanza on a slot, drawing even more attention to themselves.

More than likely, the slots you’ve been playing have been paying out fine but a few doors down, a man named Stanley is hitting jackpot after jackpot while whooping it up and high-fiving strangers.

This is , which lays out a handful of slot machines that appear to be hot while spreading the wealth around others.

Meanwhile, if you’re unlucky enough MEAR Stanley, you’ll stumble upon a zone he likes to call home and curse the day you ever set foot in said casino.

Here’s the thing – just like every other gambler, Stanley will be along a certain time. The difference is you’ve mistook a cold streak for the luck of the casino.

Online casinos don’t control who wins and who loses because, once again, the house edge dictates that a certain percentage of money will be kept by the operator in the long run. If they shifted around where wins occurred, they could either go broke giving away everyone’s money or upset the balance of the house edge.

Both would be bad.

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In fact, it wouldn’t even be worth their time to play matchmaker between a gambler and big wins because there are much easier ways to make a buck. Selling information about players to competitors, colluding with shady vendors to overcharge on equipment/supplies, and inflating food prices are just a few examples of where casinos get more bang for their buck.

Chasing a “hot” slot machine is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. No matter how hard you try, you’re only going to irritate yourself for absolutely no gain.

Instead of shaking your fist at the heavens the next time your favorite game goes cold, remember that slots operate on random number generation and each machine is equally capable of making you rich.

How to Avoid Rigged Casino Games

The best way to avoid rigged casino games is to play at reputable online casinos. It really is that simple.

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Any operator worth its salt will be regulated by an accredited government agency that’s charged with ensuring the casino isn’t taking advantage of customers. In the United States, these departments include the Panama Gaming Control Board, Malta Gaming Authority, and UK Gambling Commission.

These agencies regularly audit member casinos to ensure they are following regulations regarding player safety and operating rigorous slot testing standards. Here are some of the things they do:

  • Reviewing Game Certifications – All reputable casinos use slot games that have been certified as fair by respected gaming laboratories like TST, GLI, or iTechLabs.
  • Verifying Payout Limits – All members must agree to undergo regular external audits and cap payouts at a certain amount. Regulatory bodies ensure those caps are reasonable and payouts below that threshold are paid promptly.
  • Examining Procedures for Complaints – Reliable gaming authorities ensure members provide ample recourse to players who feel they’ve been wronged by the casino.
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When you see the logo of a reputable regulatory body, you can rest assured that the casino is above board and their games are fair.

If the casino is licensed but you continue to feel uneasy about their selection of rigged slot machines, there are several things you can look for to ease your concerns.

The first step you should take is checking to see if their games have been certified as fair by a trusted third-party organization. Most online casinos proudly display logos from companies like iTech Labs and Gaming Associates to let you know everything is on the level. If you can’t find any certifications, it might be time to move on to the next site.

You could also try reaching out to forums dedicated to online gambling to see if anyone has reviewed the casino you’re interested in joining. User reviews are a great way to get an outside opinion on a site you’re thinking of signing up to.

If the casino has been up to no good, you’re sure to find someone who’s had a run-in with them. While there’s a good chance you’ll read the occasional negative comment about a legit casino, this gives you a chance to see how they respond to customer complaints.

A reliable operator will do whatever it takes to make things right for the aggrieved party, while less-than-honest casinos will either ignore the comments or try to explain away the allegations. Remember – if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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There are plenty of casinos out there trying to lure customers in with enormous welcome bonuses. While this is certainly appealing to newcomers, there’s usually a method to such madness.

These shady sites will offer a deposit bonus that sounds too good to be true in hopes that you’ll fall for their tricks. Once you’ve taken them up on their offer, the fine print reveals that you must play at certain games or adhere to strict playthrough requirements in order to cash out on your bonus.

The problem here is that the only games worth playing are their rigged slot machines, which give the casino an unfair advantage. I can’t stress this enough – a legitimate casino will not ask you to play rigged casino games in order to clear your bonus!

If you want to steer clear of rigged online slot games, you should consider signing up with one of the . Not only do these casinos hold themselves to a higher standard, but they understand that giving players a fair shot is the best way to build a solid reputation in the industry.

More Tips on How Not to Get Scammed

If you want to protect yourself against rigged slot machines, there are several tips and strategies to follow. Let’s go over some essential advice that will help you stay away from shady operators.

1. Only Play at Reputable Online Casinos

This cannot be emphasized enough – always play at reputable online casinos. A good rule of thumb is to stick with casinos that rank highly on review websites.

You can even narrow down the list by focusing on sites that cater towards your preferred style of gambling. For example, if you love playing live dealer casino games, then check out the top-rated ones at this .

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Those mentioned here at undergo frequent audits to ensure that they meet the highest industry standards.

We regularly speak with active players on gambling forums and pay close attention to what the community has to say. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the latest scoop on the best online casinos.

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Even if a site looks good on paper, negative feedback from actual customers is enough for us to cross it off our list. After all, the only statistic that matters is the casinos’ player retention rate, which tells you what percentage of first-time customers go on to bet there on a regular basis.

A reputable casino will go the extra mile to keep your business, while an inferior operation will rely on fleecing gullible players to turn a profit. Always remember that customer satisfaction is the best indicator of the type of site you’re dealing with.

2. Stick to Slots with High RTPs

If you’re looking for rigged casino games to avoid, it’s best to start with the games that offer the lowest house edges.

Poker games and blackjack variants allow you to make decisions that can swing the odds heavily in your favor, which means you have to be on the lookout for slot machines the most.

The good news is that pay tables for online slots are programmed into the code, which makes it impossible for dealers or pit bosses to cheat customers. The bad news is the casino sets the RTP for that game, and all they have to do is offer low return-to-player rates.

Fortunately, all slots are required to disclose their RTP in the help file or rules screen. Simply select the game and scroll through the information screen that pops up to find the return-to-player percentage. If they fail to disclose this crucial detail, you can always head over to a site like to find it.

All things being equal, you’ll want to play a slot with a high RTP since that indicates how much of the money wagered on the game will be paid out as wins. The longer you play a game, the closer your personal results will fall to the published RTP.

This means you’ll suffer through more losses than gains (volatility), and the times you win will be proportionally sized to what is projected in the RTP (standard deviation). Both of these factors determine the game’s variance, which you can learn how to better understand right here.

If you see a slot rated at 98%, this means that for every $100 wagered on the game, $98 will be returned to players in the form of winnings. Even though this may seem very high, there are several slot games with RTP ratings north of 97%.

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In fact, you can browse our list of the to see just how lucrative these games can be.

Of course, casinos are in the business to make a profit; so, you won’t come across many slots with RTP ratios above the 97% range. Anything in the high 90% area is considered above average, and you should run in that direction.

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You can also visit the for more options and details on how they work.

Once you start coming across titles with matching symbols on a regular basis without any big payouts, it might be a sign that the game has a lower RTP than advertised. This brings us back to the issue of volatility and standard deviation because slots with low volatility will simply feature smaller wins.

If you suspect a slot with acceptable volatility has a low RTP, it’s time to move on to another game.

3. Beware of Too-Good-Bonuses

Casino bonuses are a nice way to get some free money, but you should always read the terms and conditions before claiming a deposit bonus.

Most sites require you to play through the bonus plus your deposit a certain number of times before you can withdraw your funds. You can learn more about this by viewing the wagering requirements.

For instance, a 30x wagering requirement means you have to bet 30 times the value of the bonus before cashing out. Thus, a $100 bonus would require $3,000 in wagers (100 x 30).

While these barriers are normal, shady casinos will try to entice you with bonuses that are too large in relation to your deposit. This sets you up to fail because you would have to play for hours just to fulfill the playthrough requirements, letting the casino clean out your bankroll in the process.

Furthermore, these operators will limit the types of games you can play with a bonus or attach ridiculous rollover requirements. The only thing you’ll find attractive about their bonus is the large number at the top.

Ways Casinos Lure Michigan Players with Promotions

Remember – a reputable casino will not ask you to play rigged casino games in order to clear your bonus!

You can find some great deals by looking at the promotion pages of reputable casinos. If you run into a bonus that strikes your fancy, take a second to read the fine print before jumping in headfirst. If something feels off, you can kick the old bonus to the curb and to find something better.

They offer a great welcome package, as well as tons of great promotions for loyal customers. Head over there to see for yourself!

4. Trust Your Instincts

Experienced gamblers develop a sixth sense when it comes to rigged slot machines. One minute you’re enjoying yourself, and the next you’re wondering if the game is fixed. This is otherwise smart players beginning the investigative stage of the Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance grieving process.

You might begin by telling yourself that the game is just cold, before moving on to accuse the casino of ripping you off. Soon you’ll be bargaining with the slot, promising to buy 1,000 more credits as long as it gives you that bonus round.

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Depression set in when you realize you’ve wasted four hours chasing the elusive win, and acceptance hits you like a ton of bricks after you log onto a competitor’s site and win a progressive jackpot on the first spin.

If you ever find yourself going through these stages while playing a particular game, it’s time to shut the lid on your laptop. Subconsciously, you could be picking up on the fact that something isn’t right.

Of course, it’s possible that you’re just suffering through a cold streak; but you shouldn’t ignore your instincts entirely. When you get that weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, maybe take a short break and go for a walk. Getting some fresh air can do wonders for clearing your head and allowing you to make rational decisions.

I’m a strong believer in superstition when it comes to gambling. So, if my driver’s hat is on fire and jumping up and down while jingling my change every time I touch it, you can bet your bottom dollar I’m going to put it back on head and rub its lucky charms until my legs give out.

Maybe that’s just me, but a lot of gamblers have their own rituals and quirks. You could say they trust their luck more when they’re wearing their “L” to the casino because it stands for “Lucky,” not “Losertunity.” We all have our methods for staying on that winner.

If you feel like a slot machine is rigged against you, the best thing you can do is cut your losses and move along. You can’t make money if your mood is in the gutter, and there’s no shame in admitting that a machine isn’t destined to be your friend on this day. 


So, do casinos rig their slot machines? Absolutely not. Modern-day casinos would lose too much money if they rigged their slots in any significant way.

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Not only that, but stiff competition and the threat of government sanction keeps operators on the straight and narrow. There are many ways for casinos to cheat you, and rigging their slot machines is not a viable option.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t any rigged slot machine stories out there; you just aren’t going to find them in reputable casinos.

If you want to avoid rigged casino games, the best thing you can do is stick to online slots rated at 97% RTP or higher. You can also check out our guide on to get a better sense of how to pick the right games for you.

You can also steer clear of shifty online casinos by registering at our suggested top online casinos for 2023. Their slots have been proven to be fair, and you’ll receive a generous welcome bonus to boot!

Playing online slots is already fun enough as it is, but discussing them with fellow gamblers makes the experience that much better. Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter @GamblingSites and share your thoughts on casino slot machines!


  • Information on slot machine history was gathered from .
  • Details about slot machine theft were compiled from .
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Anthony is a sports writer for covering the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and more. He also covers other various topics such as entertainment, general sports betting tips, and more.

His favorite teams are the Chicago Bears, Bulls, Cubs, and Blackhawks. He also will be a temporary fan of any team if it means winning him bets.