Reasons online poker in america is better than ever

The US has, by far, been the hardest market for online poker to penetrate but it&`s also a market with immense potential. While there have certainly been setbacks along the way (Black Friday being the most notable), various states have stepped up in recent years to offer legalised online poker and casinos games to their constituents.

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What’s more, the outlook looks promising too because, as you read this, another state (Michigan) is poised to join the interstate poker network that consists of Nevada, New Jersey and Delaware. And even if no more states join that particular agreement, there’s another one forming that could be even bigger. 

Elsewhere, prominent voices within the US are starting to campaign for a change in federal law that would permit individual states to legislate their own online gaming laws without fear of prosecution. In other words, states like California would no longer have split liberties stifle their progress because the actions of one court couldn’t nullify state gaming laws under this new scheme. 

With all these positives swirling around, now is the perfect time to play online poker in America. However, if you need some extra convincing, we’ve listed ten reasons why US poker is better than ever before: 

Multiple Legal Options

Although Black Friday was a major setback for the US poker industry, the fact that it only set the industry back a few years is a testament to how far it had come. Before CSXP, TST and UB left the US market in 2011, they formed a poker monopoly that gave them 90% of the market share. In short, American players only had one choice of where to play poker online: each site had a monopoly on its state’s market. 

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Look in any mirror room at the Bellagio. Any one of those players could pick a seat and, for all intents and purposes, they’d get the same experience regardless of where they chose to sit down. That’s not a criticism by the way, it’s a compliment. Back in the day, US poker sites were renowned for their high standards and they continue to set the bar today. However, when other countries started regulating online gambling, America was left behind and the only option for US operators was to ask Congress to change the law so they could operate legally. 

That didn’t happen. Indeed, Black Friday happened instead. However, as I’ve said, it only set the industry back a few years because, when New Jersey decided to go its own way and regulate online gambling, three of the country’s top brick & mortar casinos saw an opportunity to enter the online space. , , and joined forces to give Garden State residents a trio of high-quality online gaming sites. , , and quickly followed suit, thus creating healthy competition which, in turn, has benefited US poker players. 

In simple terms, players have more choices than ever before. When you feel like playing big bet tournaments, head to DraftKings or Stars. Want to mix it up at medium stakes? and BetMGM should meet your needs. If you want the lowest limits anywhere in online poker, play at PokerStars. The point is that the competition between different sites in New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Delaware (plus soon Michigan) means players have plenty of options.

Healthier Overall Ecosystem

It isn’t just the number of skins that’s increased over the last few years. No siree Bob. The overall ecosystem for online poker in America is stronger now than at any point since 2006. For example, when , Josh Arieh and Cliff “JohnnyBax” Josephy, it added to poker’s credibility among sports fans. Additionally the fact these brands have marketing budgets means they can get their messages out to a much wider audience than was possible during the CSXP era. 

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Furthermore casino partners such as Resorts Atlantic City, Borgata, MGM and Caesars bring prestige to the industry. These are global brands with decades of history and strong reputations. By aligning themselves with these entities, poker companies can leverage their partner’s reputation to raise their own profiles. 

Finally the fact major corporations such as Entain and Flutter Entertainment are willing to invest money in US poker is a huge boost. Yes, these companies made the acquisitions, but that means leading executives believe online poker and casino games will be legalized in enough states to make the investments worthwhile. In turn this creates stability across the industry and gives players more confidence in the future of US poker. 

Cross-Border Liquidity Sharing

  • Liquidity sharing agreement signed: May 1, 2018
  • Delaware joins: September 12, 2018
  • First combined tournament held: November 1, 018
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Even though online gaming was only legal within state borders, all regulators agreed to a provision that would allow liquidity sharing between licensed sites. This meant operators could share player pools and resources with other operators in different states. 

For example, NV and NJ were able to merge their player pools due to a licensing agreement between the WSOP and 888poker. Likewise, , Betfair Casino and Yoju Casino were able to combine their resources to form playMGM. 

However, progress was slow as regulatory approvals took time. Indeed it wasn’t until 2018 that Delaware completed its piece of the puzzle and joined the multi-state liquidity sharing agreement. This enabled DE, , and to connect their player pools with NV and NJ. 

The first game to be linked was , followed by , and . However the biggest moment came on November 1st 2018 when the three sites held the first ever , which was won by New Jersey’s Katie Donlevy for $105,060. 

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This was a monumental moment for US poker because it injected some much needed liquidity into the system. Since then, dozens of combined tourneys have taken place and thousands of players have experienced the thrill of competing against opponents from other states. It’s safe to say no one wants to go back to the days of isolated networks.

More States Legalizing Online Gaming

  • States with legal online poker & casinos : New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan,* Pennsylvania,

When the first US states began regulating online poker and casino games, it created a blueprint for other states to follow. Subsequently several US jurisdictions have used that blueprint to legalize gaming sites and generate revenue for their communities. 

As it stands, five US states have legalized online poker and casinos. Players in New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan**^TMake sure to check local laws)** and Pennsylvania can use locally licensed sites such as, PokerStars, partypoker and BetMGM to play real money cash games and tournaments from their smartphones, tablets and computers. What’s more, these players can compete against each other provided liquidity sharing agreements are in place. 

Looking to the future, more states seem destined to follow suit. As covered in our , at least seven US states appear to be considering some form of online gaming legislation. Granted not all of them will pass laws, but West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Florida and Maryland all have the potential to enact change. 

Some of these states want to expand online sports betting. Others are looking to pass comprehensive gaming bills. Regardless of their motivations, more states joining the fold is good news for US poker. 

Improving Regulatory Environment

One reason more states will consider online gaming is because of the improving regulatory environment. As more states have legalized online poker and casinos, best practices have emerged. Regulators have been able to speak with their peers in other states to find out what works and what doesn’t. 

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As a result, the latest state to pass gaming laws - Maine - was able to issue licenses without having to close the state down during the application process. This wasn’t possible when New Jersey first regulated in 2013. It is possible now because everyone knows what needs to happen and can share their experiences with others. 

Another sign of a maturing regulatory landscape comes from the way responsible gambling measures are being implemented. Initially operators were fined large sums of money when they failed to live up to responsible gaming standards. Now regulators are taking a more educational approach. They still impose sanctions, but they also spend time working through exactly what went wrong and how similar issues can be avoided in the future. 

These discussions benefit the entire industry because they highlight best practice. Indeed, when BetMGM messed up earlier this year, the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement released a joint statement with the operator and explained how mistakes had been made and how those mistakes would be avoided in the future.

Stronger Responsible Gaming Provisions

Responsible gaming has always been important, but the debate really hit home for me during 2020/21. As many of you will know, several US states relaxed their gambling laws to generate revenue during the COVID lockdowns. That led to a surge in gambling participation. 

A commissioned by the American Gaming Association (AGA) found that 47% of US adults gambled online in 2020, which is up from 33% in 2018. What’s more, 32% of first-time online gamblers said they developed a problem, which is almost four times the percentage of existing players who reported problems (8%). 

We don’t yet know the long term effects of more people gambling more often during the pandemic, however the initial signs aren’t great. For example, the Las Vegas coroner revealed that suicide rates in the city rose by 50% during the second quarter of 2021 compared to the previous year. While correlation doesn’t equal causation, it’s important that the gambling industry does everything it can to protect vulnerable people. 

Thankfully the major US poker and casino sites take responsible gaming very seriously indeed. They offer deposit / play limits, reality checks, cooling off periods, self-exclusion and time outs. But, let's be honest, these tools need to be even stronger. That’s why I welcomed the fact that BetMGM received such a large fine for its failures in this regard. The record fine sent a clear message to everyone involved in an iGaming business that stricter standards are expected now. 

Developments in Payment Processing

Payment processing has never been an exciting topic for poker players, however it’s important to recognize how easy it is to deposit and withdraw funds from licensed US sites. This hasn’t always been the case. In fact depositing money onto CSXP, TST and UB was practically impossible during the latter stages of their operation. Thankfully that changed when regulators imposed stringent payment processing requirements on licensed operators. 

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Today most US poker players can use electronic checks, credit cards, bank transfers and third-party apps such as to make deposits and withdrawals. Some states only accept bank transfers and cash at the cage, but even these methods are preferable to using Moneygram and Western Union, which were the only options prior to regulation. 

Where the industry goes next is with cryptocurrencies. Companies such as Bitstrax and GeTPay have already pioneered ways for players to convert their bitcoin balance into a traditional currency that can be withdrawn into a bank account. However more work is needed before major sites such as and PokerStars start accepting crypto. 

The main sticking point at the moment is security. Hackers stole millions of dollars worth of crypto from the WynnBET app shortly after it launched in Tennessee and Colorado. An investigation later found that the breach wasn’t down to weaknesses in WynnBET’s systems, but rather flaws in the underlying blockchain technology. 

Crypto is here to stay. It’s simply too useful for sending cheap international payments for it not to become mainstream. Therefore the industry as a whole needs to work together to improve standards so that poker sites will feel comfortable offering it as a payment method. 

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Innovative Software Updates

If you played on PokerStars in 2011 and then returned in 2022, you’d be amazed by how much the software has improved. From animated avatars to chat wheels and Spin & Go Mega prizes, PokerStars is now unrecognizable from the bare bones platform CSXP et al operated almost a decade ago. 

It’s not just PokerStars that’s innovating either. BetMGM and periodically update their software too, while operators in New Jersey have introduced features such as . Meanwhile external companies are developing cutting edge tech, such as the HoloX technology that could bring holographic poker to life in the near future. 

Online poker hasn’t quite reached the stage where augmented reality tables are commonplace. Nor has anyone figured out a way to offer untickable tickets yet. However the rate of improvement is increasing and we’re constantly being surprised by new features and games. 

Mobile Optimization

I remember when mobile poker was in its infancy. In fact I remember covering the launch of on PokerListings back in 2013. At the time Full Tilt mobile only offered three games - Texas Holdem, Omaha Hi and Omaha Hi Lo - and the maximum number of players at a table was six! 

Since then mobile poker has evolved massively. There are dedicated mobile poker apps such as PokerStars, but all the major desktop sites have mobile friendly versions of their sites too. Moreover these mobile clients can handle much larger games than the quaint six-max tables of yesteryear. 

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Indeed if you want to play online poker in America, you don’t necessarily have to download a desktop client. You can install mobile poker apps or visit sites via your browser and access full ring games, 6-max games and heads up tables at any limit from $0.01/$0.02 to $100/$400+. What’s more, mobile software is fast and secure, meaning you can play on the go without worrying about connection drops or cheats.

Increased Transparency

If you want to know how online poker in America works, you can read the legislation and regulations yourself. Okay, that might sound dull, but it shows how transparent the system has become. 

Take New Jersey as an example. All the state’s gaming laws, regulations and related documents can be found on the . Not only can you search through old reports, but you can also see when new ones are published. 

This level of transparency didn’t exist during the CSXP era. Even now some states, such as Nevada, could be more forthcoming with information. However New Jersey is a shining light in this regard and serves as a model for other states to follow. Why is this important? Well, transparency engenders trust. And when people trust something, they’re more likely to participate. 

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This dynamic isn’t lost on the poker industry. Indeed WSOP Executive Director , when he recently called on all online poker sites in Pennsylvania to display a site seal to show their games had been tested for fairness and security.

What Does the Future Hold for US Poker?

Given that online poker in America has made so much progress since 2011, the question on everyone’s lips is where it’s headed next. To answer that question, we need to separate short term predictions from long term forecasts. With that in mind, here are my thoughts: 

  • Short Term Predictions: More states will legalize online poker and casino games. WSOP Bracelet Events will take place outside of the WSOP Main Event window. A major US poker site will begin accepting cryptocurrency deposits. Innovations such as AR poker will become available. 
  • Long Term Forecasts: A single, nationwide framework will replace individual state laws. Major offshore poker sites will either leave the US or comply with state laws. A US player will win a WSOP Main Event bracelet.

Only time will tell if these predictions are accurate, however the one thing we do know is that playing poker online in America is better than ever before. The industry suffered a black eye during Black Friday, but it’s taken significant steps towards redemption and now offers a compelling product to players throughout the United States. 

  • Is online poker illegal in the US?

    No. Six years after Black Friday, New Jersey regulated online gaming and that action spawned a domino effect which has seen five US states - New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan and Pennsylvania - legalize locally licensed sites such as, BetMGM and PokerStars.

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  • Can you play online poker in the USA?

    Yes - providing you’re typically physically present in New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan or Pennsylvania. You can also play at offshore poker sites, but we strongly advise against it.

  • Where can you play online poker in the US?

    If you want to play at a regulated site with a license from an official US regulator, then you can only play in one of these states: New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan or Pennsylvania. You can also play at unlicensed sites, but these companies aren’t subject to the same rules and regulations as their regulated counterparts.

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  • Which state is next to legalize online poker?

    We can’t accurately predict which state will enact online gaming legislation next, but we do know that similar bills are currently making their way through the political processes in New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio, Maryland, Washington and Missouri.

  • Who regulates online poker in the US?

    Within the states that have legalized online poker, regulatory bodies such as the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, Nevada Gaming Control Board and Delaware Lottery are responsible for issuing licenses, setting standards, monitoring compliance and protecting consumers.

  • What age do you have to be to play poker online in America?

    You have to be 21 years old or older to play online poker in New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware, Michigan and Pennsylvania. That’s the age verification standard within those states so, even though the law may be different at a federal level, you won’t be able to register an account or log in to play if you fail the identity check.